5.8. The Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
If g is a limit we know that there are infinitely many sequence members in every
-neigbhourhood of g. Placed however in special way, namely all of them in a row from a certain upwards! Omitting this special condition weakens the convergence idea to a related concept.
Definition: Let be any sequence and arbitrary.
x is called an accumulation point of ,
[5.8.1] |
if there are infinitely many sequence members in every -neigbourhood of x.
As a notedly difference to a limit the uniqueness property is no longer valid. The sequence e.g. has two accumulation points: There are infinitely many members in every
-neigbourhood of 1 (namely all who's index is even) and similarly we find infinitely many in each
-neigbourhood of .
Of cause there are sequences, take e.g. , with no accumulation points at all.
Using the following idea an accumulation point may appear as a limit of a suitable sequence.
Definition: Let be any sequence (not necessary in ). If is strictly increasing in the sequence
[5.8.2] |
is called a subsequence of .
The fact that is strictly increasing guarantees, that a subsequence selects infinitely many members in strict succession.
Furthermore an easy proof on induction shows that:
[5.8.3] |
is a subsequence of . This proves that divergent sequences are well allowed to have convergent subsequences.
Due to the following proposition however this cannot apply to all subsequences.
for each subsequence
[5.8.4] |
"": Let be an arbitrary subsequence. At first we get an for each such that
Acoording to [5.8.3] this holds more than ever for all and especially for all . Due to the monotony of we thus conclude:
"": is a subsequence of itself, thus converging to g from the premise.
Accumulation points are nothing else than special limits, more precisely:
x is an accumulation point of |
there is a subsequence such that
[5.8.5] |
"": We construct a strictly increasing sequence by recursion with
From that the nesting theorem [5.5.8] leads to our assertion: . Now to the construction details:
We set
and for we take the set . as there are infinitely many sequence members in every neigbourhood of x. With
we have: i.e. and , thus is strictly increasing and satisfies the estimate
"": If holds for a certain subsequence we have infinitely many sequence members of in every -neigbourhood of x. These members are of course sequence members of
as well.
The following theorem assures the existence of accumulation points for bounded real sequences.
Theorem (Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem): The following implication holds for every sequence
in .
If is bounded then possesses at least one accumulation point.
[5.8.6] |
Proof: We employ the
completeness axiom
i |
Every non-empty, bounded subset of has a greatest lower bound, its infimum, and a least upper bound, its supremum.
As is bounded we see that for each the set is a non-empty, bounded subset of . Thus
is well defined. Obviously we have so that every lower bound of is a lower bound of as well. Especially the infimum is to be found among all the lower bounds of . This implies , i.e. is increasing. Furthermore is bounded, as
i |
is bounded!
, thus the set is a non-empty, bounded subset of . Using the completeness theorem a second time we set
We will now prove that x is an accumulation point of . According to [5.8.5] it is sufficient to construct a stictly increasing sequence
such that
We do this recursively:
For the number is certainly no upper bound of (x is the least of these bounds!) thus will be exceeded by at least one :
As is increasing we may assume without any restriction.
Similarly is no lower bound for , so there is a such that
From [1] and [2] (and keeping in mind that is a lower bound of ) we see that our sequence
Thus we have achieved our aim [0].
There are some implications to be drawn from the Bolzano-Weistrass theorem. At first we characterize uniquely the convergent sequences among the bounded ones.
Proposition: For any real sequence we have:
is convergent
is bounded with exactly one accumulation point |
[5.8.7] |
"": Let . Then we know that is bounded (cf. [5.5.1]) and that every -neigbourhood of g contains infinitely many sequence members, thus g is an accumulation point. It is the only one, because if would be a further accumulation point we would have the following contradictory statements for :
There are inifinitely many sequence members in .
There are at most finitely many sequence members lacking in .
as is half the distance between x and g.
"": Now let g be the only accumulation point of . g proves to be its limit: If is an arbitrary -neighbourhood of g we need to find an such that
Suppose there is no such . Starting with we find (recursively) for each n a
such that is lacking in .
Thus we get a subsequence , bounded as well as is bounded, with an accumulation point x according to the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem.
As there are no sequence members of at all in we conclude that . On the other hand x is an accumulation point of as well, so due to uniqueness we have: . Contradiction!
A second application of the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem results in a new convergence criterion. We know from [5.5.7] that the members of convergent sequences cluster more and more if the index number increases.
Surprisingly the reverse is also true provided the sequence is a real sequence.
Theorem (Cauchy test): Let be any sequence in . If there is an for each such that
[5.8.8] |
then is convergent.
Proof: At first we see that is bounded: From the premise we find an for 1 such that
Consequently we have: for all n.
According Bolzano-Weierstrass has an accumulation point g. We show and take an arbitrary to that end. From the Cauchy condition [5.8.8] we find an such that
As there are inifinitely many sequence members in every neigbourhood of g there will be an with
Thus we have for all
The Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem and thus all the conclusions is bound to the reals, more precisely to the completeness axiom. In
e.g. the theorem would fail. When introducing the Babylonian root algorithm (cf. [5.7.11]) we used a bounded rational sequence satisfying the Cauchy test. This sequence has no accumulation point, not to mention a limit in .