Proposition (limit theorems): Let and be arbirary functions, a an accumulation point of (consequently also of A resp. B). If f and g are continuously extendable at a the same is true for
[6.9.5] |
[6.9.6] |
[6.9.7] |
and if
[6.9.8] |
Proof: From the premises we have continuous extensions at a for f and for g, let's say
1. ► Now continuously extends at a and the limit calculates to
2./3. ► The proof is just a copy of the above.
4. ► The formula results as before again. In this case however we need to check if a is also an accumulation point of :
As a is an accumulation point of we find a sequence in converging to a, and as the continuity of g (see [6.4.2]) provides a relative -neighbourhood of a such that
From a certain onwards all sequence members are within so that is a sequence in converging to a.