8.5. Calculating Content
We are now going to develop a general concept for calculating content. We will do this by assigning adequate values to suitable subsets M of that, in the two-dimensional case coincide with the areas introduced in 8.4 and meet our image of a volume in the three-dimensional one.
These values will be recursively designed, as suggested by the interpretation of areas at the end of 8.4: The (n + 1)-dimensional content of a set M will result from integrating the n-dimensional contents of its sections .
Definition: For a subset of and any the set
[8.5.1] |
is called a section in M.
The following applet visualises a section in a sugar loaf at (display by
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JavaView is an interactive 3D geometry viewer. Display is controlled by the left-mouse, for example:
press "o" and drag to rotate (preset)
press "s" and drag to scale
press "t" and drag to translate
Go to www.javaview.de/jars/shortcuts.html for a complete list of options. The right-mouse launches an extensive context menu.
As a start we calculate sections in some manageable subsets of and of . All the parameters in this and the subsequent examples are strictly positive.
All sections in a Square are (constant) intervals as we have for any :
[1] |
The sections in an ellipse are (variable) intervals as we calculate for each :
[2] |
Note that when the interval is a singleton: .
Sections in a perforated disc are a bit laborious to calculate. Let us just start with an :
[3] |
If the sections in L are one- or two-element sets:
Sections in a cube are (constant) squares because we have for :
[4] |
Sections in a sphere
are circles (with varying radii) as we have for every :
[5] |
If the section is a circle with radius 0, i.e. a point.
Now we define by recursion which sets are suitable for measuring content and how to calculate it. The remarks at the end of the previous section serve as a guideline.
A subset has a one-dimensional content if is a disjoint union
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The union of two sets A and B is called disjoint if . In that case the symbol is often replaced by .
Display problems should be solved by downloading the font Lucida Bright Math Symbol.
of finitely many closed intervals, . In that case we call the number
[8.5.2] |
the one-dimensional content of M. In addition we set: .
A subset , , has an ()-dimensional content if every section , , has an n-dimensional content such that the funtion is integrable on . In this case the number
[8.5.3] |
is called the ()-dimensional content of M. If we additionally set: .
Sometimes, especially in three-dimensional situations, the term volume is used instead of content.
A simple inductive argument shows that contents are positive: .
Due to the different add ons the content of any finite set is zero:
[8.5.2] includes the common special case . M then is a simple interval, , , and the content shortens to .
[8.5.3] infact introduces the Cavalieri Principle:
If any two sets have a content such that all of their sections have the same content then they coincide in their own content as well:
[8.5.4] |
[8.5.2] carries forward the area concept of 8.4 as the areas calculated there now reappear as two-dimensional contents: For any positive function the set
has a two-dimensional content that is exactly the area of the region generated by f and the x-axis on .
Proof: For we have: , so that . Therefor the content of M is calculated to
In a first example we recalculate the content of some well known two-dimensional objects.
Example: |
Square |
Ellipse |
Circle |
Perforated Disc |
Line |
Rectangle |
Triangle |
The content of a square with edge length a is
[6] |
Proof: According to [1] all sections in Q have a constant content:
Thus is integrable on so that Q has a content, namely
The content of an ellipse with semi axes a and b is
[7] |
Proof: From [2] we know that the sections in E are the intervals
As the continuous function is integrable on , E has a content that we calculate by using an integral from 8.4:
The content of a circle (disc) with radius r is
[8] |
Proof: D is an ellipse with identical semi axes . Thus: .
The content of a perforated disc with radii is
[9] |
Proof: Due to [3] the sections in a perforated disc are calculated like this:
Thus their content (even in the special case ) is given by
is representable as the concatenation of the restrictions , and and thus integrable according to [8.1.14], so that the content of L could be calculated (use an integral from 8.4) to
For any function the content of the line f is
[10] |
Proof: As all the sections are singletons of content 0. Therefor we have
The content of a rectangle with edge lengths a and b is
[11] |
We have: with sections of constant content: . Thus R has a content, namely
The content of a triangle with base and height h is
[12] |
The sections in are (variable) intervals and the function is integrable. Thus D has the content
In the next example we calculate some of the classical three-dimensional volumia using our previous results [6] to [9].
Example: |
Cube |
Ellipsoid |
Sphere |
Cone |
Pyramid |
Torus |
Cuboid |
Cylinder |
The content of a cube of edge length a is
Proof: Due to [6] the sections (see [4]) in have the constant content . Thus W has a content, namely
The content of an ellipsoid with semi axes a, b and c is
Proof: At first we see that . If the inequality
only holds for . If it is equivalent to
Thus is either a point or an ellipse (see [7]) with semi axes and . In either case the content of equals to
and as is integrable E has a content:
The content of a sphere of radius r is
Proof: S is an ellipsoid with three identical semi axes: . The content of a sphere is thus a special case of the content for an ellipsoid.
For a separate proof without using the ellipsoid formula we consider the sections according to [5]:
is a circle with radius (or a point if resp.). Due to [8] its content calculates to . As the continuous function is integrable on , S has a content, namely:
The content of a cone of height h and radius r is
Proof: We notice that and for any we get
Thus is a circle again (a point if ). Due to [8] we find the function which is integrable on and from that we eventually get the content
The content of a pyramid with height h and rectangular base is
Proof: and
for each . Thus is a point if and a rectangle with edge length and otherwise. The integrable function now yields the content:
We abbreviate and and consider the set
T is a torus with radii r and R.
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The sketch to the left shows a torus with radii r and R vertically halfed with respect to the z-axis. It explaines how the inner () and the outer () radius of a section is calculated.
Its content is
Proof: We see that and that the section
is a perforated disc for each . According to [9] the content of is given by
is integrable, thus T has a content, namely (the integral involved has been evaluated in 8.4)
The content of a cuboid of edge length a, b and c is
We have and for all . thus is a rectangle with edge length b and c. As the constant function is integrable on the cuboid Q has the content
The content of a cylinder
of height h and radius r is
We note that . For each the section is a circle of a fixed radius r, which means is a constant and thus integrable function, so that Z has a content, namely
Some of the examples above (for instance the sphere and the cone) represent a general class of subsets of that have a content, the so-called solids of revolution. They are turn-shaped and are generated by a function rotating around the x-axis.
Notation and Proposition: For any continuous function the set
[8.5.5] |
is called the solid of revolution generated (on ) by the casing function f. R has the content
Proof: We note that and that is a circle of radius for each . So we have: , which is infact the assertion.
As an example we calculate the content of the solid of revolution R (pulley) generated on by the casing function :
Exercise: The content of the ellipsoid
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The ellipsoid in this exercise is characterised by two identical semi axes, namely b which is the semi axis in y and z direction as well. This is due to the fact that E is generated as rotational solid by the upper semi ellipse .
semi ellipse with a = 2 and b = 1.2
For the radius that is required to calculate the sections we look at the following consideration:
calculates to .
We see from the annotation that E is the solid of revolution generated on by . Its content is thus given by
If we turn to n-dimensional content, employment of the induction principle is unavoidable. As a first example we calculate the content of an n-dimensional cube and an n-dimensional sphere respectively.
The content of the n-dimensional cube is
[8.5.6] |
The content of the n-dimensional sphere is
[8.5.7] |
1. ► Proof by induction:
: is a closed interval such that .
: Now let be an -dimensional cube. For any we see that the section is an n-dimensional cube, thus having a content due to the induction hypothesis. The constant function is integrable, so that has a content as well, namely
2. ► Proof by induction:
: is a closed interval such that
Note that in this case.
: Next let be an ()-dimensional sphere. The section is an n-dimensional sphere for all , thus has a content according to the induction hypothesis. The function
is continuous, and that means integrable as well, so that has a content.
The integral (substituting , see [8.3.5])
now allows to calculate the ()-dimensionale sphere's content:
We follow up our subject and consider now generalised cones and cylinders. For an arbitrary non-empty subset
of we call the set
[8.5.8] |
a (generalised) cylinder with base G and height h.
[8.5.9] |
a (generalised) cone with base G and height h.
Only if the base is an area in the usual sense, of course.
A (generalised) pyramide is a cone whose base is a polytope.
Exercise: If G has a content then the cylinder has a content as well. It calculates to
[8.5.10] |
As an example the cylinder , whose base is a sphere of radius 3 has the content .
It is not necessary to prove by induction in this case as we have for all , so that is constant and thus
Obviously [8.5.10] confirms the well-known formula "base times hight" for the content of a cylinder. In order to get a similar result for a cone we need some technical preparations: For any two vectors and , , and an arbitrary subset we set
If or we write and respectively. is generated from M by dilation with the dilation vector c whereas is generated by translation with the translation vector d.
The following proposition will not only provide the desired formula for cones but will yield further important results as well.
Proposition: A subset has a content if and only if has a content. In this case we have:
[8.5.11] |
Proof: It is sufficient to prove only the "" direction because it includes the reverse direction already due to the identity
We proceed now by induction.
: If then as well and both sets have the same content 0. For we have
which is again a disjoint union of closed intervals, having thus a content, namely:
: Now consider , i.e. . If then and the content of either set is 0. Assume now . At first we have
for all , because:
Now, if M has a content so does every section and is integrable on . Due to the induction hypothesis
has the content for each . According to the substitution formula [8.3.5] the function integrable and the content of is calculated like this:
There are some interesting implications of [8.5.11]:
Content is translation-proof, as for we have
[8.5.12] |
Content is dilation-compatible, as for we have
[8.5.13] |
Content is shearing-proof: If has a content then for any shear vector the set
has a content of the same size:
[8.5.14] |
Proof: For we see that . According to [8.5.12] thus has the content , so that the Cavalieri Principle [8.5.4] yields the assertion.
Now that content is compatible with dilation we are able to compute the content of a cone.
Proposition: The cone
has a content if its base has a content. In this case it calculates to:
[8.5.15] |
Proof: For any we have . Along with G the section has a content as well (see [8.5.13]), namely . Being a multiple of the function is integrable, i.e. C has the content
The content formula [8.5.15] of course comprises the previously calculated formulas for triangles, three-dimensional circular cones and pyramids.
The height of a cone might be perpendicular to the base, but does not need to. Its position has no impact on the content due to [8.5.14]. All three triangles below for instance have the same content of 1.5.